Beach Boys Concert Review--February 4, 2000

Civic Center, Montgomery, AL
February 4, 2000
Concert Review

This was a cold winter Friday nite in Mongomery, AL. The concert was sponsored by the Montgomery Cancer Center of the Baptist Health Care Foundation. My best friend (since the first grade) and I left the wives and children at home and drove many miles to see Mike and Bruce's Beach Boys band. We have seen the Beach Boys almost every year, at least once, since seeing them in concert in Auburn, AL - 1972 ( a concert which included Mike, Carl, AL, Bruce, Blondie, and Ricky). About 30 minutes before the start, we got to talk to Mike Kowalski. He was very kind and seemed to enjoy the fans around him. Mike was very much a "real person." Moments later, Bruce came over to my friend and me and said, " I'm very tired." He sat on the floor beside us for a few seconds. He said he had spent much time with his family and had gotten sick. I said to him, "Does this mean no Wendy?" He replied, " No Wendy or God Only Knows." With that said, he walked off. The concert goers (about 3700) were very non-moved with the band's first six songs. Mike told the people to get off of their a** and to enjoy the concert. With that said, many people made their way up to the stage. I landed six feet in front of Adrian Baker. For the remaining concert I could hear his guitar very well. I could see the chords he was playing. His playing was very good! Phil and Adrian shared the lead guitar solos and special licks. The Bruce keyboard was silent as always. Mike and Bruce both look old and fat - sorry! The concert was more than just O.K.( but no Rock & Roll Music, Be True To your School, Paradise, or anything unexpected). I'm not sure who I saw perform, it was not the Beach Boys! I will go again; it was better than staying home watching TV. Personal note: best songs performed - Sherry, Fools, and Duke. Wow!

Contributed by: Donnie Flynn & Carl Valentine

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